Welcome to BeatSwap!

The BeatSwap project is an exciting inter-school music project designed by Andy Fowler of RhythmZone and Claire Hurst (Deputy Head) of Oxford Road Community School. Follow us throughout the year to see children from four Reading schools develop and perform their own piece of world percussion music.

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

The children from Churchend share their ideas!

Churchend Academy (Ofsted - Outstanding) is a wonderful school with a supportive and motivated staff team. Every year group has African Drumming classes with me for a whole term each year, so when I went in to talk with the children there about the BeatSwap project, they felt comfortable telling me exactly what they expected.

The children got quite excited about the project and started to visualise their final performance. They requested that we invite the Queen - and asked if we could demonstrate our new drumming skills at the London Eye!

I encouraged them to keep 'THINKING BIG' and the ideas continued to flow. Other pupils asked if they could perform various instruments, if we could get on the local news and radio, and if we could design our own t-shirts.

I left with a real buzz and felt that they were totally on board with the adventure we were beginning. Here's a snippet of the ideas they shared:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andy, it's Jess from Churchend. I can't wait until next term, when we're drumming again!
